1. Pronunciation of 'r'One of the most noticeable differences between English and American pronunciation is the treatment of the r. In RP, this sound has disappeared except before vowels. It is not heard when it occurs before another consonant or at the end of a word unless the next word begins with a vowel, as in Clear away those papers. In the US, eastern New England, New York City and most of the South follow the English practice (Americans joke about New Englanders who pahk the cah in the yahd or New Yorkers who feed de holds in de pahk), but elsewhere in the States the r is pronounced in all positions. In RP, lord has the same sound as laud, while in words like car or there the r is not sounded at all but replaced by indeterminate vowels at the end. The American r, on the other hand, is pronounced before vowels and consonants and also at the end of words: air, are, arm, hear, beer, more, care, deer, fear, hair, or, peer, pure, wear, work, etc. In phonetics, this phenomenon -the pronunciation of postvocalic rs- is known as rhoticity. Apart from the south-west and some northern areas, England is non-rhotic, while Scotland and Ireland are rhotic. The first pilgrims to arrive in America in 1620 were mainly from the Midlands and East Anglia. Presumably, the non-rhotic speech in the New England area today ultimately derives from them. If this is so, later colonists from the West Country, Scotland and Ireland are responsible for the rhotic speech heard in most of the US today.