بخش اول: املای واژهها | Part one: Spelling |
بخش دوم: تلفظ | Part two: Pronunciation |
بخش سوم: دستور زبان | Part three: Grammar and Usage |
AE | BE |
airplane | aeroplane |
analyze | analyse |
artifact | artefact |
ass | arse |
ax, axe | axe |
balk | baulk |
bisulfate | bisulphate |
caliper | calliper |
catalog, catalogue | catalogue |
catalyze | catalyse |
chili, chile, chilli | chilli, chili |
connection | connection, connexion |
cozy, cosy | cosy |
crayfish, crawfish | crayfish |
curb (at edge of road) | kerb |
czar, tsar, tzar | tzar, czar |
defense | defence |
dependent, dependant (n.) | dependant (n.) |
dialogue, dialog | dialogue |
dialyze | dialyse |
disk | disc (except in Computing, where 'disk' is also employed) |
disulfide | disulphide |
doughnut, donut | doughnut |
draft | draught (air current, liquids) |
draftsman | draughtsman, draftsman |
font | fount, font |
furor | furore |
gray, grey | grey |
jeweler, jeweller | jeweller |
jewelry | jewellery |
judgment, judgement | judgement |
karat | carat |
AE | BE |
ketchup, catsup | ketchup |
license, licence | license (v.) |
license, licence | licence (n.) |
licorice | liquorice |
matinee, matinee | matinee |
mold, mould | mould (rot) |
molt, moult | moult |
mustache, moustache | moustache |
naive, naive | naive, naive |
naught, nought | nought |
night, nite | night |
offense, offence | offence |
pajamas | pyjamas |
panelist | panellist |
paralyze | paralyse |
peddler, pedlar | pedlar |
persnickety | pernickety |
pickaninny, picaninny | picaninny |
plow | plough |
practice, practise | practice (n.) |
practice, practise | practise (v.) |
pretense, pretence | pretence |
program, programme | programme (v.) |
program | programme (n.) (except in computing, where 'program' is also used) |
reflection | reflection, reflexion |
scalawag | scallywag |
skeptic | sceptic |
skeptical | sceptical |
smolder, smoulder | smoulder |
snowplow | snowplough |
sulfate | sulphate |
sulfur | sulphur |
through, thru | through |
tire (on a vehicle) | tyre |
tonight, tonite | tonight |
vise | vice (tool) |
whiskey, whisky | whisky (as a generic name) |
Word | AE | BE |
address | ah-dress | a-dress |
advertisement | ad-ver-tize-ment | ad-vert-tis-ment |
agile | a-jil | a-jile |
alternate (adj.) | ault-er-n't | aul-tern-et |
apricot | a-pri-cot | ay-pri-cot |
aristocrat | a-ris-to-crat | ar-is-to-crat |
asphalt | as-fault | as-felt |
ate | ate | et |
ballet | bal-ay | bal-ay |
bitumen | bi-too-men | bich-er-men |
buoy | boo-ee | boy |
Byzantine | biz-an-teen | bi-zan-tine |
Caribbean | k'-rib-ean | kari-bee-an |
charade | sha-raid | sha-rahd |
chassis | oha-see | sha-see |
chimpanzee | chim-pan-zee | chimp-'n-zee |
cigarette | sig-a-ret | sig-a-ret |
clerk | klerk | klark |
composite | k'm-pos-it | kom-p'-zit |
cordial | cor-jil | oor-dee-al |
cremate | cree-mate | cr'-mate |
croquet | cro-kay | cro-kay |
debris | d'-bree | deb-ree |
detail | dee-tail | dee-tail |
dislocate | dis-lo-cate | dis-lo-cate |
dynasty | die-nas-tee | din-as-tee |
figure | fig-yer | fig-ger |
frustrate | frus-trate | frus-trate |
garage | ga-rahzh | gar-ij |
inquiry | in-kwi-ree | in-kwir-ee |
interesting | in-ter-est-ing | in-trest-ing |
jaguar | jag-wah | jag-u-ahr |
laboratory | lab-ra-tor-ee | la-bor'-tree |
lever | lev-er | lee-ver |
lieutenant | loo-ten-ant | lef-ten-ant |
literally | lit-er-al-ee | lit-ral-ee |
marquis | mar-kee | mar-kwis |
migraine | my-grain | mee-grane |
omega | o-may-g' | o-m'-g' |
perfume | per-fume | per-fume |
premature | pree-m'-toor | pre-m'-tyoor |
premier | pr'-meer | prem-e |
privacy | pry-va-see | priv-a-see |
process | praw-cess | pro-cess |
produce (n.) | pro-doos | praw-dyoos |
progress (v.) | pro-gres* | praw-gress |
recluse | rec-loos | re-cloos |
renaissance | ren-a-sens | re-nay-sens |
route | rout | root |
schedule | sked-ule | shed-ule |
semistatus | sem-eye | sem-ee |
strychnine | stat-us | state- US |
tomato | strik-nine | strik-neen |
trait | tom-ay-doe | tom-ah-toe |
trauma | trayt | tray |
vase | trah-ma | trau-ma |
vitamin | vayz | vahz |
Z | vy-ta-min | vit-a-min |
lever | zee | zed |
AE | BE |
aluminium (a-loom-in-um) | aluminium (a-lyoo-min-yum) |
behoove | behove |
carburettor (kar-boor-ate-er) | carburettor (kar-boor-et-ah) |
check (in banking) | cheque |
divorce/divorcee (di-vor-say) | divorcee (di-vor-see) |
doodad | doodah |
mom | mum |
plunk | plonk |
putter | potter |
specialty (spesh-al-tee) | speciality (spesh-ee-al-it-tee) |
tidbit | titbit |